Godaddy Auto SSL
This instructions are about godaddy free SSL which comes with new godaddy server packages and based on my experience godaddy dont give this info straight-forward on a single call. After few calls (spent few hours on this calls) i came to know that there is an easy option to just click the button to assign SSL to a newly added domain. So though of sharing…. Go to click find SSL/TLS Status on the options available and click it click Run AutoSSL button on it to assisn a SSL to your new domain added. You need to re-click this buttom every 3 months based on the date mentioned (as pasted below) to keep using the free SSL. “AutoSSL Domain Validated Expires on December 15, 2023. The certificate will renew via AutoSSL.” In case you have a sub-domain added, go to DNS setting page of the domain name and make sure the sub domain is available as “A” record. If not please add a new “A” record for your sub-domain name.